The pioneer of the book nook made in France


3D scanning service and personalization of figurines


Sébastien Bourgeois Book nook maker Francais

Sébastien Bourgeois

Pioneer of the book nook shelf insert made in France

Sébastien, visual artist, designer, autodidact since always is the first French to launch out in the universe of the book nook shelf insert (diorama to be inserted in the libraries). His inspirations are numerous, from the classic of literature and painting (Jules Verne, St-Exupery, ….) to masterpieces of pop-culture. The only limits are those that we impose on ourselves!

What is a book nook shelf insert?

A book nook is a small box to insert between books in a bookcase or as a bookend on a shelf. Very popular in the USA and the rest of the world. Book nooks are often linked to a literary work but they can be declined endlessly. In France the phenomenon begins thanks to the work of Sébastien and continues to develop.

Book nook canal d'Amsterdam sur mesure

His creative process

From the idea to the creation of the book nook shelf insert


The basic idea of ​​book nooks generally comes from a cultural melting pot: books, visits to museums, theaters, history, cinema. But it can also come from the customer who has a particular request, a character, a place, …

His first book nook and besides the realization in 3D of the painting « The bookworm » by Carl Spitzweg.

Once the idea has germinated in his mind, the artist spends many hours materializing his vision in 3d on a computer or in virtual reality.

This step is long and meticulous because Sébastien wants and respects the timeless masterpieces from which he is inspired or the precise requests of the client.

Adapting an ancestral or modern work, a real or imaginary place into a book nook is always a challenge for him.

Once the 3d modeling is finished, Sébastien moves on to the concrete realization of the book nook. It is a mixture of various techniques, from the most modern (3D printing, video editing, soundtracks, electronics …) to the most artisanal (woodworking, paintings, sculptures, …)

Sébastien sells his creations in many countries. USA, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Dubai, Hong-Kong, South Korea, …

Book  nook "Le rat de bibliothèque" de Carl Spitzweg.

What my face?
From book nook to 3D figurine customization, creativity in perpetual evolution.


Sébastien’s creativity having no limits, he uses his know-how in the creation of personalized figurines. This approach is more fun and based on pop-culture. Who has never dreamed of immortalizing their face on the body of their hero or favorite character? Or more simply keep a 3d memory of a loved one, ….

The expedition

Sébastien uses the best protections to guarantee maximum safety. Bubble wrap to wrap the book nook. A thick layer of airbags, in a double corrugated cardboard all wrapped entirely in adhesive tape for resistance to shocks and bad weather.